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Mistake Mistake Mistake Once Again Pythagoraswitch Mini

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It shows how little we know nigh the virus. Nosotros should be more careful, and terminate comparing it to a flu. Nosotros accept no idea what this virus really is.

14 ( +15 / -1 )


! In other words the immune system cannot beat out this...,

That would be in wrong words.

Bi-phasic exercise Non mean the immune system cannot vanquish information technology, information technology merely means that in some cases at that place are ii astute phases, like Tick-borne encephalitis virus, leptospira or B19 parvovirus infection. Anthrax is just the most usually known. A disease tin exist bi-phasic and even so cure on its own without problem.

thirteen ( +20 / -7 )


Merely goes on to evidence that this virus is quite tricky.

Either her illness was dormant and she appeared to accept "recovered" or she came across someone who was infected.

Regardless, she has fought this before, she can fight it again! 頑張れ!

11 ( +12 / -i )


I practice hope this poor lady fights off this terrible infection.

Simply once again questions must be asked. She recovered on February 1st and today is Feb 27th. Has she been out and well-nigh, or in self quarantine, or with family and carers?

More information please.

x ( +ten / -0 )


He said much remains unknown about the virus. "I'm not certain that this is non bi-phasic, like anthrax," he said, pregnant the illness appears to become abroad earlier recurring.

"like anthrax"

! In other words the immune organisation cannot beat out this...,

No demand to panic so!

9 ( +20 / -11 )


This just goes to show how circuitous and catchy this virus is.

It spreads easily.

It has a relatively high bloodshed rate.

The time to overcome the infection is quite long.

Tests do not always defect the illness.

The disease can linger even after evidently been cured.

The only manner to slow it appears to be quite severe restrictions, which have a massive economic impact.

9 ( +ten / -1 )


Stop the olympics.

7 ( +10 / -three )


@savethegaijin... I think you children'south prophylactic should be your priority! What is amend...your children getting infected at the schoolhouse or sacrificing a few days of education for health, condom and life? They can still study and keep up with their school work at home safely for the side by side few days!

7 ( +nine / -2 )


Covid-19 is arguably worse than Anthrax, every bit the corona virus is transmissible from person to person while Anthrax is not.

And the common cold is also "arguably worse" than both, because has killed more people in the history of humanity. That notwithstanding ways your terrible misinterpretation is wrong, being bi-phasic have no human relationship with the ability of the immune system to fight the infection. The infection (non the virus itself) could be tri-phasic and you would still be incorrect. More than xc% of the patients have successfully defeated the infection.

And why give any importance to the vaccine at this stage? how many diseases you know that had vaccines in the offset 3 months of being discovered?

5 ( +fifteen / -10 )


Some posters seem to carefree nearly the outbreak! They say " No need to panic " ... turning a blind eye to reality! Almost 200 people have been infected in Japan in the past few days and the number is ascension rapidly and so of class there is a need to worry and panic every bit information technology's human nature. Wait until you get infected with corona virus then you'll change your tune and wish you were more concerned about this rather than showing your arrogance as yous do now!

five ( +9 / -4 )


Then did she go it again or it never goes away?

four ( +4 / -0 )

JJ Jetplane

The fact that someone tin can receive the virus twice is something to worry about. The reasons can be that someone's body wasn't capable of learning the correct genetic code to fight fight off and remove the virus or the virus is changing at a charge per unit in which the learned genetic code cannot keep upward.

iv ( +7 / -3 )


Well, this was known from the start. Data out of China was says to expect 14% to become reinfected.

And, reinfection is much deadlier. Why isn't that mentioned in the article?

4 ( +vii / -3 )


Read the Lancet Respiratory Medicine for yous daily dose of Coronavirus news. But evidently science and no hysteria, fear mongering.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Be more cautious and take intendance everyone in Japan. Don't be so naive like some devil-may-care commenters here who seem to take this outbreak so lightly! The truth is that the infection is life threatening and you lot all should be extremely careful!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Kenichi Mitomi

 I think you children's safety should be your priority!

absolutely correct.

I imagine some developed will find information technology difficult to wait after kids for 2 extra weeks. What's the programme on working parents who will be looking after them?

The company I work for issued guideline today (quite well written and timely I must add together) to staffs. Nosotros can work from home but looking after kids at same time - difficult.

Has PM or pedagogy authority issued a guideline what kids and parents are supposed to be doing during their time off? Allowed to get to kouen to mix with friends? I don't know what kids are into merely assuasive them what they want to practice uncontrolled (watch goggle box) is very dangerous.

I would accept them camping ground.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Read the Lancet Respiratory Medicine for you daily dose of Coronavirus news. Only manifestly science and no hysteria, fear mongering.

I've been reading the Lancet. It is informative and articulate.

Much better than some of the crowd on here blowing a gasket, making ignorant speculations and hoping we'll all go every bit potty equally them.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


Also a link to article on how reinfection tin can hateful actually bad news:

The article is full of baseless assumptions and things that make no sense, I am not sure if this is a terrible news source or they got pranked by someone that have no knowledge of medicine but I would not trust anything they said.

They keep repeating the "problem" with false negative as if it were something that merely happens with this infection, then almost "damage past the antibodies" when right now nobody even knows what kind of antibodies or to what levels are produced later on the infection, hearth failure is not a diagnostic for deaths (because information technology does not say the reason behind the hearth failure) etc.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Covid-19 is arguably worse than Anthrax, as the corona virus is transmissible from person to person while Anthrax is not.

And for all we know covid-nineteen could be triphasic.

Oh, and no vaccine discovered yet....

one ( +10 / -9 )


@savethegaijin... it's indeed sad that your daughter'south kindergarten days are ending this style but the bottom line is safety of children is paramount and then the Authorities made this decision. I'm a constant badger of the Japanese Regime on these forums just this decision was the appropriate 1 and I applaud them for putting the children's health and life above everything else! We can't have it both means of complaining that the Government isn't doing much to command the spread and when they do something positive then we whine again!

one ( +3 / -2 )



Did I say I disagreed with the closures? I'm perfectly fine looking after my girl, thanks.

I'm allowed to exist lamentable that her Kindergarten days are ending this way. She probably won't encounter most of her classmates again. That'south a sad matter. Information technology's non a commentary on whether or not I hold with schools closing.

How did that get thumbed downward? Some ( someone? ) demand their heads rather than their lungs testing.

one ( +2 / -one )

N. Knight

This virus have been a very sensitive event nowadays and is continuously taking away lives of those innocents. Just hope the latest vaccine developed for it plays a skilful role and assistance those in need.

I meet you don't become hysterical about seasonal influenza killing more 15,000 innocents in UK every yr and sixty,000 plus innocents in the U.s.... probably effectually 25,000 in Japan every year?

1 ( +2 / -ane )


@Tora I wanted to mention the fourteen-17% reinfection rate in 1 city (not Wuhan) of Red china too but I can't seem to detect the article now.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


People should stop comparing this to the flu. Accept listen and be more vigilant about this outbreak as it'south spread will just increase in the days ahead in Tokyo through person to person manual. Don't be fools and get careless!

0 ( +i / -ane )

Due north. Knight

hate it when this lot go potty!

0 ( +one / -1 )

N. Knight

Almost 200 people have been infected in Nihon in the past few days...

Wrong... under 200 people have developed symptoms in the past few days so they were infected most likely within the past two weeks.

The hysteria and mis information is a worse infections than the corona virus.

Instead of blindly following internet nonsense follow the facts.

(and maybe take onboard what @Virusrex is maxim; at least he is rational.)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Luis David Yanez

These levels of hysteria are ridiculous.

There accept been over 30000 recoveries, and there is no report of any of them getting information technology again, so this story is kind of merely pure panic.

Information technology's extremely bad taste, and even unsafe how news sites are spreading this panic oriented stories. If you look at it, there take not been any stories most Red china, because the trend is actually downwardly in Prc, so there isn't any alarmist or panic inducing story from China.

Shame on the mass-media.

0 ( +i / -1 )

Kenichi Mitomi

The government is as well considering scaling back this twelvemonth's March xi memorial ceremony for victims of 2011'south massive earthquake and tsunami, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters on Thursday.

No respect from government. We volition be singing a song Ryuichi Sakamoto and David Byrne did on March 11 for case.

If you encounter someone with crazy hair

Well that'southward my grandpa

And if yous hear some singing from upstairs

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I really hope it was a failure on the test.

-1 ( +2 / -three )


The woman, a resident of Osaka, tested positive on Wednesday afterwards developing a sore throat and breast pains, the prefectural authorities said in a statement, describing her as beingness in her 40s. She first tested positive in late January and was discharged from the hospital later recovering on Feb 1, co-ordinate to the statement.

"Recovering"...what I may have missed somewhere along the line every bit there is there was no mention of her being tested prior to being discharged!

All information technology says is that she "recovered", which could mean that she was no longer symptomatic and naught about beingness free from the virus!

-i ( +two / -3 )


Yes, thank you VirusRex. It's nice that we accept someone knowledgeable about viruses commenting here. I really appreciate your posts.

-one ( +half dozen / -vii )


Read up.

The Lancet Infectious Diseases


https://world wide

Nature Microbiology

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


I merely wear my mask and feel warm inside....

-i ( +ane / -ii )


This is a concerning ascertainment. Two general possible scenarios:

She never truly recovered and the virus lay fallow or follows a biphasic clinical course.

She recovered the showtime time, and so got reinfected.

Critical questions to respond relate to how common this is amongst other patients, what the severity will be moving forward, whether this patient will exist able to overcome the virus fully the second fourth dimension around, and why there is an credible lack of amnesty in case of reinfection.

Until the doctors share their observations with the medical community through publication though, all claims regarding the above should exist considered nothing but speculation.

-i ( +0 / -1 )



I likewise couldn't discover original source, just found this 1 with re-infection rate in Guangdong. again-guangdong-report

Too a link to article on how reinfection tin mean actually bad news:

-ane ( +0 / -1 )


I laughed out loud at the anthrax comparison. There really was no other possible comparison that wasn't as fearfulness-mongering?

Anyway regarding the adult female who contracted the virus for an alleged 2nd time, the fact that she presented with a sore throat was a huge indicator that this could have been a fake positive. A recent Lancet study of COVID-xix plant that only in 5% of cases is a sore throat presented. The major symptoms are fever, shortness of breath, and dry cough.

It'due south indeed possible that the test but tripped upward because she was infected once before. Or, given that we've heard so many stories of fake negatives (people testing negative several times before finally testing positive) at that place'due south no reason to believe this couldn't be the related false positive.

It just seems these tests are not that reliable.

-2 ( +ix / -11 )



Skillful posts on this topic. Keep 'em coming.

-two ( +half-dozen / -eight )


I meant basher ... not badger! Damn autocorrect!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


@kurispisu then if you got colds once you cannot go information technology again? You do correct? Also, viruses mutates. The reason why a flu shot cannot guard y'all against all sorts of influenza.

-2 ( +0 / -two )



Yeah, I agree with all of that. I don't think anyone sensible would say it's a bad thought.

It's still deplorable for my daughter. That's all I'thou maxim.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


This virus take been a very sensitive event nowadays and is continuously taking abroad lives of those innocents. But hope the latest vaccine developed for it plays a adept function and aid those in need.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Kenichi Mitomi

From British perspective....

What's over the counter price of paracetamol and ibuprofen in Japan for 2 month supply?


During my 2 weeks off

Watch Pythagoraswitch on TV and reenact by putting my kitchen apart.

Lookout NHK and talk about news with kids.

Listen to music.

End paying for youtube and enjoy the magical computer algorithm. You lot might find adverts that will be pleasing.

Keep up with friends using social media and go along it real by giving them thumb upwards.

Expect up lyrics on Internet for songs you always wanted acquire and sing aloud.

If the vocal is in foreign tongue learn to roll the natural language in aforementioned manner and experience.

Eat tiffin.

Life can't be that bad studying at home.

in between I will exist taking paracetamol to go rid of headache that I was thinking about...

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

englisc aspyrgend

Thank yous virusrex for a voice of rational calm.

No need to panic folks, just remember the flue kills more people in the UK each yr than this has and then far world wide.

The fact is nosotros are still learning well-nigh this virus.

-iv ( +7 / -11 )


Some posters seem to carefree nearly the outbreak! They say " No need to panic " ... turning a blind eye to reality!

What do you recommend nosotros do? Post here with lots of exclamation marks and block capitals?

Something concrete would be helpful.

-four ( +iii / -7 )



Did I say I disagreed with the closures? I'm perfectly fine looking after my daughter, thanks.

I'm allowed to be sad that her Kindergarten days are catastrophe this way. She probably won't run into nearly of her classmates once again. That's a sad affair. It'southward not a commentary on whether or not I agree with schools endmost.

-iv ( +3 / -seven )


I had a relapse from somekind of virus crud, I usually have juice with a loftier concentration of Vitamin C, if I get this crud again, I learn the peppermint is a good natural anti viral source ,I had lots of friends that had the influenza, I gave them some juice with high concentration of Vitamin C and some hot chocolate, Chocolate heave the immune organisation ,I am not a dr., and this is non medical advice Google Peppermint Oil Anti Viral

-5 ( +0 / -v )


She obviously hadn't fully recovered! Someone dropped the ball here by not retesting her while she was still in the infirmary!

-6 ( +2 / -viii )


Been saying this for a while, once yous get it, like HIV, it stays with y'all.

At present, anyone for Man fabricated bioweapon ... the WHO say non... merely so, they're very Pro-Chinese ?

-six ( +i / -7 )


Now all schools are supposed to exist closed from Mon... speechless. I guess tomorrow is my kid's concluding day of 幼稚園, that's really sad really.

-seven ( +2 / -9 )

No Business

Zippo surprises me anymore when it comes to Japanese "doctors".

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

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